Nikolai Torgersen

"I enjoy clothes, I enjoy watching other people wear clothes. "


Nikolai Torgersen
City of residence,  OSLO, NORWAY



Location: Jenny Hemstads gate

Date and time:

Art Takeover: Thursday 11 October 18:00 - 21:00

Exhibition is up 12 & 13 October  12:00 - 19:00

Q & A:

COL: How old are you and where are you from? 

NT: 28, Oslo.

COL: What do you do?

NT: Living the American dream. IN NORWAY

COL: How long have you been doing it?

NT: All My Lyfe

COL: What inspired you to pursue a career in art?

NT: My trash mom&dad (in a good way), my trash life, most of all my desire to do nothing & my absolute lack of talent in anything else including waking up, going to bed, basic human behaviour at all sorts etc.

COL: Do you remember your first work of art?

NT: <3 My moms caesarean<3 or maybe a stupid elephant recembling bullshit drawing I made in kindergarden which my parents had in their house for as long as my two minute memory can remember

COL: If you could have any piece of art in history, what would you choose?

NT: In my apartment? Ole Jørgen Ness' "Opus Osiris". A 20-something minute long video installation with seven TVs debating each other which would play on repeat. I wish Samtidskunstmuseet/Nasjonalmuseet (which owns the work (I think)) would put it up again.

COL: What is your relationship with fashion?

NT: I enjoy clothes, I enjoy watching other people wear clothes. I wish I didn´t spend all my money getting fucked so I could afford some new jeans.

COL: What does the word “collective” mean to you as an artist?

NT: Nothing. Can't stand working with people.

COL: What is the best and worst thing about being an artist?

NT: The best thing is the obvious part considering freedom. Can't think of anything bad about it.

COL: Who do you admire?

NT: Everyone who gets things done, in all manners.

COL: What can we expect to see at this year’s festival?

NT: I honestly don't know, or what to expect my self

COL: Who are you excited to see?

NT: Everything Julian Karlsen every day of my life

COL: How important is the ability to expose your art to you and your creative field?

NT:  I don't understand the question