COL: What is the most important drive for you to create and why?
SC: My main drive is to find the poetry the epiphanies and the mesmerizing moments of life through visual storytelling. When you look at paintings you see what all encompassing split of life the painter had chosen in order to evoke the rest: the gaze of a woman, a landscape, the gesture of the crowd, the stillness of bodies in pain, a mash of color, hands in love, sexuality in motion... They were all chosen as symbols for the bigger pictures, and that is what I strive to capture. Images of poetry and moment of stillness that can stand on their own to summon the whole. That and also the stream of consciousness in which you can get lost and just have the pure emotional journey.
COL: Who or what do you value as a great inspiration for you creatively?
SC: My inspiration comes from very different artists and disciplines: Diane Arbus, all the early Magnum photographers, Ernst Haas, Tim Walker, Paolo Pellegrin, but also Caravaggio, Courbet, Egon Schiele, Yves Klein, Nijinsky, Nureyev, Diaghilev and his Ballets Russes, Max Richter, Mozart, David Lynch, Louis Malle. ...and the list could go on for a while.
COL: Can you elaborate on an important moment in your life where you experienced a big change, chose to make one or another event which altered your way of thinking or your approach to creativity?
SC: I graduated with a Master in International Affairs from Columbia University, which reflected my curiosity for world affairs. But only few months after I had my degree in my hands, I decided to quit that path and just dive completely into what my real passion and love was: photography and story telling. And art. It was a huge change for me, one that involved also changing completely my approach to life and understanding fully what creativity meant, especially on a personal level. Being self taught forced me to become very creative and inventive right away. I think that it was helpful - even if a little traumatic - to have such an abrupt approach but I cannot imagine having dive into this field in any other way.