COL: Who or what do you value as a great inspiration for you creatively?
MH: Other creative people. The ability to see what a creative mind can bring to life always astonish me.
COL: Can you elaborate on an important moment in your life where you experienced a big change, chose to make one or another event which altered your way of thinking or your approach to creativity?
MH: When I realised that I was not going to strive for magazines to publish my work but just go along with it and create what I wanted.
COL: How does digital and social media affect or inspire your life and creations?
MH: It's been giving me a great contact network from all over the world that I would never have gotten this early. It also shows me the works of other people that inspires me and that pushes me to work harder myself.
COL: What do you define art?
MH: That's a hard one.
COL: What is your definition of artistic freedom?
MH: Being able to create what I want even if it's considered controversial or not cool by others.
COL: Is there a difference for you between art and commercial/commissioned work?
MH: I try as best as I can to go all in either way, but I do like commercial work that gives me a bit more freedom to shape the project as I want. There will always be a difference because there's always some restrictions when working with commercial work.