Epson + Kit Wan & Edda Gimnes

Kit Wan Teaser Exhibition for Collective 2018

Edda Gimnes Teaser Exhibition for Collective 2018

Campaign, Brand Positioning, Creative Collaboration

Brand positioning and Influencer scouting by COLLECTIVE. Collective initiated a collaboration between Epson and fashion designers Kit Wan and Edda Gimnes for the COLLECTIVE festival 2018.

Challenge: Epson Brings Technology & Fashion Together. Digital printing technology has changed every industry itโ€™s touched. Now itโ€™s revolutionizing the fashion industry by offering Fashion Designers amazing new ways to produce their fabrics. 

In a collaboration with COLLECTIVE Epson Norway has given designers Kit Wan and Edda Gimnes an opportunity to create their ultimate dream collections for SS2018 and FF2019 with fabric and print with the Epson digital fabric printer. COLLECTIVE staged the result from the first stage in the collaboration at the COLLECTIVE festival 2018. Costume Magazine covered this exiting journey in the print edition of the magazine as well as their online platforms and Costumes editor in chief Kine Hartz Bjerke moderated a TALK during the festival with the designers and market development manager for Epson Europe Heather Kendle.