The 2015 Border artists are Katerina Plotnikova, Charlotte Wales, Michal Pudelka, bessnyc4, Johnny Dufort and Coco Capitan. Their work represents the breaking of boundaries and rules. Bessnyc4 has been deleted by Instagram now 4 times for mocking the fashion industry with design compilations of sadomasochistic images with logos such as Chanel and Gucci, after gaining a huge following on Instagram the same big fashion houses started booking him to create their campaigns. Katerina Plotnikova works with wild animals and creates fairytale settings for her photography. attaining a bigger following than Annie Leibovitz on Facebook, she landed the 2015 Valentino Couture campaign. Michal Pudelka creates scenes from his childhood through staged photographs with models inspired from his mother’s job in a hospital in post communism Bratislava.

Border 2015 took place at Galleri Fineart in Oslo. Their works were displayed in separate areas to enhance each artist´s creative world. The artist where present during the opening and partook in a Talk where they discussed the mission of their work.


“Freedom is a relative concept where the freedom of one begins, the freedom of another ends” – Katerina Plotnikova