By applying these formulas to my adventures, I have, many times, felt connected to something bigger than me, something conspiring towards magic; at least when I’ve been lucky enough to capture it on film.
Before going to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, I had been trying to scheme ways to shoot nudes in there, knowing that it was against the state park rules. I had the foresight, to ask for a female guard to take us underground. We even brought fabrics to drape around the subjects so they would “accidentally” drop when the time was right.
We arrived after public hours to avoid detection. The dark gradient of desert sky was Autumn clear. Struck by the full moon winking above, I gathered our group, and had everyone hold hands, look at the moon and visualize our guide allowing our nudity without incident.
Layer, when we entered the Tungsten-lit lobby, our guide turned to me and said: "I have seen your photography. I really like it.” Upon hearing the “ding” of the elevator reach the bottom after its hundred-story journey underground, I had a new sense of confidence.